Email: council@djpollard.co.uk
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Hello!I know that my new duties have prevented me from giving readers the up dates they deserve but I do hope that you have been accessing my Blog! Two very important events coming up! Firstly the start of the new fire station on Commercial Road. We have been campaigning for this for years and at last - here it is. Should be completed before Christmas and providing the level of fire cover we know has been missing for years. It is also the site of an experiment of the blue light services working together and being based in the same building. This must be the way forward. By the end of the month the beach access in front of the Bluff will be officially opened. It was 5 years ago that I started the bid to improve the access onto our wonderful beach. In the end the Town Council and Cornwall Council came together to bring it to fruition. I know that many many people appreciate this means of helping people get on to the beach - it has cost but we got a grant and the Town Clerk and several CC officers have truly done the business- fantastic! 11.04.14 Beach AccessThis long and difficultly saga is drawing to s close - I sincerely hope!! The plans are nearing completion, the tenders have been decided and an experienced firm have been awarded the contract. It has been slow but we now have all parties working together and determined to provide this much needed facility. All being well the final pieces will be sorted this week and the contractors will start on site before Christmas. Five years hard work by so many but I would particularly like to mention Mike Shillibar from Cornwall Council who with Jo Howard has taken this project by the scruff of the neck, Ellie Giggall the Town Clerk who has taken on so much work and responsibility and Town Cllrs Capper and Coad who have steered the project towards it final conclusion - we hope!! South QuayWonderful to see all the diggers and equipment in action along the quay - yes folks it really is happening!!! As you may know they have to complete the sluicing work and the repairs before the supermarket can open and I am told that should only be one year away. That is good needs. I know that some are still trying to argue against the supermarket but its futile, it will be build and I bet you that within a few months no one will notice anymore. 18.11.13 Apologies:I have been somewhat neglectful in maintaining this part of my website - need must I am afraid as I am totally immersed in Cornwall business and while \i priorities a day a week to deal with Hayle issues writing up my 'latest' is time that is difficult to find. Fire StationGreat news! Planning permissions agreed and now funding from central government to develop the joint working between Police, Ambulance Service and Fire. I am assured that the funding for the building is in place and the overall project of developing Tolvaddon as well as Hayle still firmly on track. No one would suggest that Commercial Road Car Park would be our first choice but the professionals assure us it is the best choice and can be achieved. - lets hope matters continue to move forward. South QuayMore good news - work is due to begin within weeks, the agreement with ASDA has been signed and this means that our historic quay will be fully repaired and fit for another half a century - at least! I know that many were concerned about a supermarket on the Quay - I do not see why, its a legitimate commercial activity, will not look like a bog standard supermarket, will have connectivity with Foundry and is tucked up against the Viaduct. A Heritage Centre would have been better but this was the only scheme on the table that would provide the investment in the quay that Hayle so needs. As for ASDA well all families would have a different preference but lots ad lots of Hayle people shop at ASDA and it does provide a choice which hopefully will bring people into our town. One thing is certain - we need to protect our Town Centre against any development, make it different and keep it viable. I believe this can be done. Hayle In BloomWell done -again! This is a great Hayle institution and the dedicated members and supporters continue to contribute to Hayle in a most remarkable way. Like so many others they go about their business and deliver the goods - terrific! World Heritage SiteUNESCO have sent their delegation, Cornwall was hosted and delivered all the information required and they have gone away and will deliver their adjudication. I cannot believe that the development of South Quay will loose us the WHS designation, we may be put on the 'at risk' register and then its up to us to ensure that the buildings and the repairs are delivered without affect on the character of the Harbour. We have to wait and see but| I do know that Cornwall Council officers could not have done more to protect our status. 14.10.13 Hayle Heritage CentreAt last!!!! Our own Heritage Centre opens on the 30th August at John Harvey House. Established by Harvey's Foundry Trust and created by the Heritage sub committee led by Laura Christan, this has been a long held bream by many and especially those of us who have been actively protecting our Heritage since 1986 and earlier. Workers such as Stella Thomas, Barbara Bromley, Rob Lello and Marshall Hutchins are at last seeing their ambitions fulfilled. Harveys have now established a very successful Archive at the Old Brewery Office and this latest project. Brian Sullivan has long been the doyen of Hayle historians and his contribution to cvraeting the Heritage Centre is enormous!! Exciting, so come and have a look. Check out the web site: Heritage CentreEventsI love August in Hayle - its that time of year when community groups and organisations appear to raise funds and provide entertainment. So in the last fortnight we have had the Raft Race, the Carnival, The Rotary Car Show, the Lions Fun Day , the Art Club Exhibition and Churches Together Songs of Praise. Even the weather has been quite good! Hayle is full of visitors at the moment but we, the resi9dents have had great opportunities not only to enjoy ourselves but also to give some money to good causes. HighwaysOh the frustration!! I have several schemes on the books for completion at the behest of residents but their progress up the priority order is painfully slow. Examples include the re painting of yellow lines at the bottom of Lower Church Street - completed this week but reported eighteen months ago! The land slip on the slope at Clifton Terrace occurred on the 24th December 2012. Works have been agreed to stabilise the whole area but funding is not available, so we wait.....! Finally at Beatrice Terrace 'build outs' were constructed which were unacceptable (by a private contractor) and it has taken a year to get remedial action (at no cost to the Council) to be started. This should happen in the September. The reason - not incompetence or at the end of the day the slowness of the system, quite simply there is too much to do and too little money to do it. August 2013 TentsWell done to the fire fighters of Camborne who showed great initiative by reclaiming some of the tents left behind at the Glastonbury Festival ( what kind of disposable society have we become) cleaned them and sold them raising finds for the Firefighters Benevolent Fund. Brilliant!! I bought a small tent for my grandson and hopefully everyone contributed a little more that the stated price and raised lot of money. Swimming PoolHayle Town Swimming Pool is an example of local coming together to support what is a valued but under resources facility. For nearly 40 years the Town Council have worked hard to find sufficient funds to maintain the only public pool in Hayle. In good weather such as now it is well used but the number of poor summers outnumbers those with a heat wave! However the Friends of Hayle Pool have been revitalized, the Council remains committed to the Pool and the Town Clerk and her team work very hard to maintain the facility. Try it! July 2013 Road IssuesI had a very good meeting with the Highways engineer last week and once again we reviewed the issues in my Division. io know the process is very slow but if you have contacted me about yellow lines or parking congestion please be assured they are all logged and in the pipeline. The Slope at Clifton TerraceFive months and little progress. Cornwall Council have surveyed the area and are proposing some remedial works - netting the cliff etc. All they are waiting for is the money......... I will continue to keep on the pressure. Loggans MillGood news - the Cornwall Buildings Preservation Trust are now funded to undertake a feasibility process to report on what is and is not possible here. This step has taken years - lets hope the next steps will be quicker! 03/06/13 March 29thAt Last...................................this is the bed of footpath 22 being repaired. It really should not have taken so long but after much determination and persistence it is happening!!!!
And finally..............................The new North Quay - what a difference!!!!!!!! Horses on the TowansI have received a number of complaints about the barbed wire that has been erected on part of Phillack Towans. I too share the concern about the fact that barbed wire has been used but I understand it is legal to do so. I arranged a meeting on the Towans with the representative of Natural England and the owner of the horses as well as some of those concerned. The wire surrounds the whole area and all paths will be kept open. Horses will only graze part of the site at any time and will be protected by an electric fence. the barbed wire is an extra level of safety. I fully support the use of horses to maintain the Towans and remove scrub, the owners know what they are doing and horses will only be kept there from October to March. The owners have the right to do all this but we must monitor the area closely and I would welcome any information users can provide. Beach AccessAnother long campaign has been the one to bring about a better access on to the beach at the Cove. Again I will not regale everyone with the details but needless to say it has been slow and difficult - However, sufficient funding is now in place, the tenders are awaited and we all believe that building will begin in the Autumn. Footpath 22 - the bridge at West TerraceAs many will know, the footpath that goes from St. Elwyns Church to the back lane behind Penpol Terrace has been closed for nearly 7 years. We have been awaiting the repair of the bridge over the old wharves branch line which is in the ownership of ING/Hay le Harbour Company. Well it is with much relief that I understand that the repairs will begin on March 25th. the campaigning and cajoling that has been required to reach this position is unbelievable - lets hope it all happens!! 17.03.13 Copperhouse PoolI was recently sent a copy of a letter I wrote to the Cornishman in 1993! It argued against the selling by Peter De Savery of the Pool to the RSPB, warning that access and the right to use the waterways would be restricted. Well as we all know the Pool was sold and access has been restricted and I have campaigned against it ever since! On Thursday I once again convened a meeting of the representatives of the Harbour Company, RSPB, natural England and Environment Agency. Of course we are not able to change their rules which are designed to protect the SSSI but I hope we have moved forwrad a little on their interpretation. I am grateful to all involved and will publicise any changes once they are finally agreed. Cornwall Council BudgetDuring last weeks Budget debate at full council I was incredibly proud to be an Independent! All Independen5ts and those of independent and supported the principle of maintaining a tax base to avoid huge black holes of fund8ing in the future - Which will undoubtedly lead to reduction in front line services. You can see what I said at Council on the link below: www.cornwall.public-i.tv/core/portal/webcast_interactive/95014 Scroll down to 02:55:05 and click on the right hand side of my name. Sadly we did not win the day, by 3 votes. In the next few weeks you will hear of the cuts made as a result - all due to party politics not a decision made in the best interests of Cornwall.
North QuayThe new 'promenades' along North Quay are now open and this weekend I have seen lots of people using them. The Cornishman printed the following reminiscence from me this week: As a child I walked along this quay as my Grandfather described the working boats and pointed out the machinery, trying to avoid the mess and coal dust, breathing in the pungent smell from the sulphur spilling onto the road. In recent times, apart from the fishermen, it became a desolate place, crumbling and pot holed - decay everywhere. Now there are new fishermen's facilities, a repaired and protected quay with well lit public realm along the waterside overlooking the harbour and the estuary with Lelant as the backdrop - What a transformation! - Brilliant!!!! 25.02.13 Caleb's CrossingThe family and friends of Caleb Hollow who was involved in the road accident at Loggans before Christmas and tragically died as a result of his injuries are determined to create a safer crossing point on the main road. They are waging a determined and positive campaign to bring this about. I fully support their aim and am doing what I can to make it happen. We need to understand that there is an official and legal process to go through after such events but all indications from Cornwall Council are that a clear crossing will be established with a central refuge between the estate and the 'bus stop. I am also confident that the speed limit after the 30mph will be reduced. We need to make this road safer for all and some traffic calming will help to make drivers aware of possible dangers and slow their approach. We are all reminded of the previous accident when Jamie Farrar was also knocked down. Personally I am not sure that any measure could have avoided these terrible accidents but we must do everything possible to make this road as safe as possible. This must happen and as soon as possible. Hayle Towans.Over a number of years ponies have grazed on the Towans and had a positive effect in reducing scrubland and maintain Towan. Now a very large area behind Phillack Church has been fenced off so that each winter more horses can graze the area. there are several points here:
I have meeting this week with those responsible and I hope we will be able to minimise the negative effect of these enclosures. To me Barbed Wire is unacceptable. Carn BraeAnother topic of concern in my 'post bag' has been he developments at the Carn Brae Leisure Centre. This is well used by Hayle people and there is quite a campaign in defence of maintaining the running track. The story is that the Leisure Centre is run by a 'trust'. The centre is in desperate need of refurbishment at least and re building at best. Cornwall Council own the site and are doing a deal to sell it and use the proceeds to replace/improve the Leisure Centre. However the Trust do not want the Track which is a drain on their resources. So the plan is to refurbish the centre with the proceeds of the sale, relocate the track to a new site in the area and use any surplus to support the other leisure Centres across Cornwall. my stance is:
Back Bridge Road/Jubilee PathI have received a number of comments by concerned residents who have seen the works at the old railway line between King George V Memorial Walk and the Recreation Ground. This is the Town Council's Jubilee Year project and sees the path restored to a proper width. This is a footpath but for a trial period cycles will be allowed along the route. If problems arise then this experiment will cease. I know many have been upset by the cutting back of the hedges along this stretch but they will re grow and soon restore themselves. The next stage is to repair the 1837 Railway Bridge along the path. This was last repaired in the 1980's by Hayle Scouts under the supervision of Dennis Palmer and urgent works are required to protect this scheduled monument. Starting today further works will take place on the 'Black Bridge Road' in preparation for re surfacing by Sustrans and the National Cycle Way. There is no way ( in my opinion) that this road will ever be opened to traffic but an improved surface will now be enjoyed by all. 18.02.13 The Slope.The pathway from King George V Memorial Walk to Clifton terrace has been closed since there was a land fall on 23rd December Cornwall Council are on the case but I am concerned that this traditional and well used link tot he Towans will be closed for a long time unless we can keep the pressure on the authorities to move the debris. Of course they must ensure it is safe and that the cliff is intact but we know that our bitter experience with footpaths is that they can be closed for years. I will keep up the pressure top get this opened again as soon as possible.
BudgetCornwall Council are having a number of debates on the budget for next year. I continue to fight for the lease reduction in services, the most efficient and effective management at County Hall and an understanding that making an unrealistic charge now will undoubtably result in a huge increase later - or no services for the public. None of this is easy or straightforward but I will continue to vote for what I believe to be the best for the people of Hayle and of Cornwall. The government continues to slash the amount of money and support coming to Cornwall - we can only be expected to charge the people to replace what the Government has been providing it is totally essential and can be balanced with all the other pressures on us all.
Copperhouse Bus ShelterDoes anyone share my concern about he new shelter Cornwall Council has built outside the Jewellers in Copperhouse? When they decided to build a shelter there I asked for it to be a simple, small, cantilever style which would provide shelter without occupying the pavement. I believe what they have constructed to impede pedestrians and have the effect of moving the 'bus stop' closer top the corner. Now that as part of the work they have filled in the single car lay by a little further up - that is the widest part of the pavement! If you agree with any of this - let me and the Town Council know. North QuayThe works are rapidly coming to an end! The 'promenade' along the quay walls should be open in a couple of weeks. Regular visitors will have noted that they are opening up the old 'Steam Packet Sluice - but only to enable sea water further up to the old railway line. However this is exposing the brilliant scoria block wall which marked the channel - something we have not seen for many many years.
Happy New Year!2012 was a very eventful and dare I say successful year for Hayle. The new year will make its own impression but we know that certain challenges are ahead: After the success of the North Quay infrastructure we need to ensure that the next Phase of the deve,lopment of the Marine Renewables Business Park happens!! This will bring the jobs that we all desire. I know that negotiations on final funding schemes are well advanced but there is much to secure and we are all working hard to ensure that it all happens. South Quay has all the permissions it requires so we all look forward to the delivery of the scheme as promised by ING. We need the work on the Quay walls to start, we need a signature on the agreement for the supermarket developer and we need to see the diggers on the quay starting the work. - Come on ING!! Hayle Town Council are fully embroiled in the discussions about the transfer back of our assets and the Town Council undertaking their maintenance. For the last 20 years areas such as the Recreation Ground and KGVMW have been leased to the District and thence the Unitary Authority for maintenance purposes - although HTC owns them. Now that role will revert to the Town Council but we are working very hard to protect our interests and ensure that we can provide a better but economic service. - Not easy!! We want devolution - but not at any price!! There is still a huge debate to be had about the future of the Harbour. Under the planning permissions there has to be consultation with he public before a decision is made. Please keep an eye out for opportunities over the next few months to have your say. There as a recent 'consultation' about the position of any bridge linking south Quay to Penpol Terrace - again an important but difficult decision. If you visit the memorial walk you will see that work has begun on the improvement of the footpath between the end of the walk and Lethlean Lane - along the old Railway line. This is the Council's Jubilee project and will provide a fully accessible route, as well as repairing the 1937 Railway bridge halfway along the path. After much debate we have also secured than the Memorial Walk will be traffic free on Sundays in the near future. I know that some are concerned that this is the 'thin end of the wedge' but be assured our only aim is to make the walk child friendly and safe on Sundays when it is used by many many people of all age groups. Cornwall CouncilAs far as the Unitary Authority is concerned there are many challenges ahead - not the least to replace Kevin Lavery. As a cabinet member I hope to be able to play a significant part in shaping the future leadership of the Council. In terms of my portfolio, I am still working on all areas of my responsibilities to forge better processes and clear responsibilities for the next Council. This is vital if the Authority is going to become efficient, effective and responsive to the needs of the people of Cornwall - its also exciting! I share the disappointment of many that the Authority has not been as sure footed as it should have been but four years in we need to recognise two facts- one, its no good hankering after the old Districts, they are not coming back and secondly we have to be much better in the second Council than the first. And of course - there are elections for both Hayle Town and Cornwall Council in May. 04.01.13
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