Email: council@djpollard.co.uk
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Updated December 24th.Christmas!Apart from the Hayle River being at very high levels and a small land slip on the footpath between KGVMW and Clifton Terrace Hayle seems to have escaped pretty well from the latest heavy rain. Fingers crossed! Best wishes for a great Christmas and very peaceful New Year.Below details of the arrangements for rubbish collection and recycling. Christmas rubbish and recycling collections will be collected every day as normal throughout the Christmas and New Year period, except for Christmas Day and Boxing Day. There will be no rubbish or clinical waste collections on Christmas Day or Boxing Day. This will be collected on the following week (Tuesday 1 and Wednesday 2 January). All recycling and garden waste collections that fall on either Christmas Day or Boxing Day will be collected on Saturday 29 December. Christmas tree composting From Monday 14 - Friday 25 January there will be a free collection service for real Christmas trees. Residents should place the tree out for collection on the rubbish collection day on the alternate week to your recycling collection. The trees will be collected separately, shredded and composted. Residents do not need to subscribe to the garden waste service for this. Christmas cards and envelopes Christmas cards can go in the kerbside recycling collection; they should be placed in the sack for cardboard. White envelopes should go into paper sack, coloured or brown envelopes should go with the cardboard. Wrapping paper Most Christmas wrapping paper can be recycled, although we cannot accept paper coated with foil or plastic. All non shiny paper can go in the paper sack. Cardboard Cardboard boxes should be flattened and put into the cardboard recycling sack. Big pieces of cardboard or large amounts can be flattened and bundled together and put out next to the recycling, or taken to the Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC). Chocolate and biscuit tins You can put empty metal chocolate and biscuit tins into the sack for plastic bottles and cans. We cannot recycle plastic biscuit containers. Additional recycling Extra recycling that does not fit in your containers can be put it into carrier bags and put out with the rest of your items to be recycled. Please be extra careful with glass and put it in a rigid or sturdy box. Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) Christmas opening hours The HWRC sites will be closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day. The normal site opening times are 9am to 4pm. 24.12.12 Bridge at Penpol CreekThere is a consultation on the new bridge that will link South Quay with Penpol Terrace. there are choices to be made. Pasmore Edwards Institute - Thursday 13th December from noon until 6.30 -come and have your say!!!! Jubilee BridgeThe 'official' opening of the new bridge was held on Friday 7th December. below is the short speeech I made on behlaf of John Coombe and myself which I hope sets the context of the importance of this new infrastructure and massive investment by Cornwall Council and other funders.: Ladies and gentlemen, my name is John pollard and I am the Cornwall Councillor for Hayle North which is everything north east of the old railway cutting behind you! Scoria Block Steps to Clifton Terrace.I asked the Town Council to create a scheme to improve the maintenance of these steps two years ago but unfortunately they have never came forward with a proposal. I am delighted that Hayle in Bloom have now agreed to take on the improvements. Volunteers spent Saturday morning starting the work and have already had an incredible effect on the state of these steps. They are wonderfully designed and constructed, represent a huge slice of our heritage and will now be restored to something like their former glory. Thanks and well done Hayle In Bloom!! BirdscreenThe long anticipated bird screen has now been attached to the North Quay bridge. It was added to the scheme at the insistence if the RSPB as a means of ensuring that the birds on Copperhouse Pool are not disturbed by traffic on the bridge. I know of no one else who thought it a good idea! However as we had to have it (RSPB own the Pool remember) I suggested that it be perforated in a pattern to reflect the work that J & F Pool's produced throughout most of the 20th Century. Pool's successors, Ash and Lacey helped with the work and the Town Council contributed its views throughout. The finished article will have a small plaque linking it to J &n F Pool. I think it is excellent that we have been able to celebrate the contribution of J&F's to Hayle over the years and there are still many men and women who worked there living in our Town and practically every family will have some link with he works. J & F Pools significance is much more relevant in terms of employment over the second half of the 20th Century than that of Harvey & CO, yet we seem to make less of its history and that of its predecessor, The Cornish Copper Company. I also see it as something tangible that is a tribute to all those who worked for the firm including my Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother, Uncle, Aunt, Great Aunts and many many cousins!! Cabinet!!Well it is a bit of a surprise but also a great privilege that I have been given a Cabinet post. I thought very hard about taking on the huge work load but felt that I could not miss the opportunity. I have always said that my aim is to build a better Hayle and a better Cornwall and now I will have a real voice (and vote) within the Cabinet which I intend to use to the maximum benefit of the people I serve. I also agreed because of the Portfolio I have been offered. In terms of Localism and Devolution I have been campaigning for this for many years and have the benefit of now building on the previous achievements of Ray Tovey and Julian German and I hope to build a much more positive relationship between Cornwall Council and the Parish and Town Councillors of Cornwall. Full CouncilWhat a difficult day we had on Tuesday - major debates in Full Council and with the pre- meetings, concentration from 9am until 4! However it was also extremely interesting and enables all councillors to fully participate and take responsibility for the future. I believe that this weeks West Briton's Editorial reflects the objective view that I urged all Councillors to take during the debates. The days proceedings can be seen as below and you can pick out any part that you are interested in. http://www.cornwall.public-i.tv/core/portal/webcast_interactive/88675
27.10.2012 What a day!!Well I was a bit surprised at the size of the vote against Alec Robertson today and even more surprised that the Liberal Democrats supported Jim Currie. I did promote a way through that would have established an Independent leader and we only missed by 3 votes!! As to the future .... well I think that there is still going to be a lot of debate and discussion as to the best way forward and throughout I will be working to protect the the interests of the people of Hayle and residents of Cornwall. For those interested, this is what I said during the No Confidence vote this morning: Madam Chairman 16.10.12 Politics,Politics, Politics!Two important Full Council meetings coming up in the next two weeks! They have both come from resentment that despite the full council voting against the shared services proposals the Cabinet seemed hell bent on carrying on. In my view some of the manoeuvres are as much to do with the next election as current decision making. However there are important issues we need to address: Governance. Clearly the Cabinet system which was forced upon Cornwall has lost a great deal of credibility. There is a whole review taking place that will make recommendations as to how the Council should be run after May. I gave evidence to the mini-tribunal (available on CC website) and there are a wide range of opinions being made. We await the recommendations but whatever the system, the new council must be much more responsive to the councillors as a whole and therefore the electorate, Full Council must have a bigger part to play and if there is a Cabinet it must be larger and more accountable. I am Chairman of the Children Education and Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee - a long title but in effect the only body which is designed to call the officers to account and 'scrutinise' decisions. A lot of work needs to be done to make all the scrutiny panels more effective and an integral part of Council processes. Vote of No Confidence in the Leader. Next week we will debate the Leaders position ( Alec Robertson). The motion was originally set because of his intransigence to the debate over commissioning and partnerships proposals - the so called shared services. Alec has subsequently been much more conciliatory but the debate will be interesting and web cast! Shared Services Proposals. This is very important as many of us are very concerned about the proposal to team up with a partner to deliver many of the Councils services. The proponents claim that millions will be saved and while I realise that more cuts are on the way I am very concerned about passing control of Council Services to a fully commercial, cut throat, market place driven profit making company. I can see the benefit in 'economies of scale' - if we buy paper why not work with others to buy it as cheaply as possible but when delivering a library service for instance where are the guarantees - and particularly is there the capacity for future development so we are able to provide a better service. While I investigate the whole issue further I would welcome the views of the residents of Hayle North - I am sure many of you have read about the issue in the papers - if you would like to share your views with me please do so via the email address above. Any comments would be very welcome. 09.10.12 Footpath 22!This long long and very sad saga seems to be coming to a conclusion - and not before time!!This bridleway has been closed for nearly 7 years and the current owners, ING have procrastinated for years. Lets be clear - ING own this bridge and therefore ING are responsible for its repair. Cornwall Council have taken legal advice and given ING until 29th September to agree to the necessary work or a notice to repair will be enforced. Cornwall Council have also accepted that they are responsible for the carriageway and will pay those costs. Today I have been informed that ING have agreed to do the work that is required - lets hope sooner rather than later!!! ArchiveSo thats that then!!!!! 6 months ago bids were invited for the site of the new Cornwall Records Office and Archive. Together with the Community Network Manager, Maxine Hardy and with the full support of Hayle Town Council I created a bid for the area of viaduct yard opposite Jewsons. In all 38 sites were submitted for consideration and three were shortlisted for further investigation - St Austell, Redruth and Hayle!!! With the full support of ING and their architects we have submitted further information over the summer, had a series of meetings with the officers conducting the analysis of the sites and provided more informastionm to support our bid as well as producing a small supportive booklet and showing the Councillors around our site on two occassions. In the end two things happened. Firstly much was made of economic benefit and of course Redruth had a strong case there and secondly there was very strong lobbying from a group of Councillors supporting St Austell and Geroge Eustice, supporting Redruth. We continued to make our case but were 'out gunned' by these two groups. Thus the merits of the best site were overlooked by the demands of politics. As my colleague John Coombe explianed the debate became one of the merits of two towns rather than over the best site for the archive. The officers recommended Redruth; the politicians recommended St Austell ( the favourite from the start as CC owned the site);and in the end cabinet opted for Redruth. We fought as hard as we could, we had an excellent case but issues other than the best site took precedence. Pity! 20.09.12
North QuayCornwall Council and Carillion have hosted two monthly residents meetings through out the building works on North Quay. Residents of Clifton and Hayle Terrace have regularly discussed their concerns with the contractors. Last night they were invited to have a walk around the works. Throughout the residents have made many excellent points and last night was no exception but we were all once again impressed by the scale and impact of the improvements being made. If you haven't, take a walk and have a look. Fire StationI was a little dismayed this week to be told that when the Fire Chief visited the last Chamber of Commerce meeting, a small number of those present felt that the proposed site was not suitable. I need to stress that all the Town Councillors who have attended the briefings by the fire service are unanimous in their support. The Town Council enthusiastically voted its support. We have been fighting to bring a fire station to this Town for years. Dave Barratt who was Mayor over 10 years ago led a delegation, including myself, which worked to prove that the time targets could not be met. Now, at last the Fire Service have accepted that and have found the funding to provide for our needs while at the same time restructuring the service in Redruth and Camborne to provide new modern facilities and ensure more that 13,000 more people have better fire cover. Several sites in Hayle were investigated fully but in the end the only appropriate one was the eastern section of Commercial Road Car Park. It has to make sense! Cornwall Records OfficeThe process continues and the three short listed sites are still being assessed - The meeting of the Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee on September 7th should provide more details with a decision by Cabinet at the end of September. Things are changing all the time - however we are still in there fighting!!!!! Remember the Mayors Sponsored Walk in aid of St Julia's HospiceSunday September 9th -details from Hayle Town CouncilFire StationThe political process has been completed and the new plans for a Fire Centre at Tolvaddon have been agreed - this means that hayle also get its fire station!!! Years and years of campaigning have at last brought out long cherished ambition of improved fire cover for Hayle. We always knew that our arguments were strong but the Fire Service have now found a way to deliver. The overall plan will bring some 14,000 more people into safer fire cover - this is a wonderful result. The only hazard now is establishing the full funding package but the Council is confident that this can be achieved. Good news!!! Free Home InsulationFrom the CC website: Householders in Cornwall are being encouraged to act quickly to take advantage of a Cornwall Council backed free loft and cavity wall insulation scheme before funding runs out later this year. Cornwall Council has previously provided funding for free insulation to householders over the age of 70 or in receipt of qualifying benefits. For a limited time Cornwall Council is extending its free insulation offer to all homeowners and private tenants in Cornwall. The offer is subject to availability and has been launched at a time when the current system of grant funded insulation offers is coming to an end. The Council will deliver this scheme through a partnership with Community Energy Plus. For the one in four households in Cornwall currently in fuel poverty, which is defined as spending more than 10 per cent of their income on heating, the potential savings of having insulation installed offer a strong incentive to take up the offer. For further information or to apply for free and discounted insulation through Community Energy Plus visit www.cep.org.uk or call Freephone 0800 954 1956. Cornwall BursaryAs the Chairman of Children's Education and Families Scrutiny Committee I have been leading the discussion on the Council's scheme to support students in Higher Education. The committee will continue to be involved in establishing the detail of how the scheme works but I fully support the principle of encouraging ambition and support for all young people. The Council is also helping students in further education ( 6th Form College) and is promoting hundreds of apprenticeships. Again from the CC Press office: Cornwall Councillors back ground breaking scheme to encourage Cornish students to attend university 20 July 2012 Ground breaking plans to provide every Cornish student with financial support towards the costs of living and studying at university have been given the go ahead by Cornwall Councillors - making the local authority the first in the country to introduce such a scheme. The Council is committed to providing a New Deal for young people in Cornwall and the Higher Education scheme follows the launch of the Cornwall Bursary for post 16 students in February. A further scheme aimed at increasing the number of apprenticeship places across Cornwall will be launched later this year. Hayle HarbourThe future management and control of the Harbour is now being considered. ING have a year from the start of development on South Quay to decide what form of organisation takes control. This is a vital decision for the Town and INg have promised wide consultation of the various options. I understand this will begin at the end of the month. ArchiveWe are still doing our best to get the Archive in Hayle. There are now four key events - a meeting on the 19th to look at site options, a site visit towards the end of the month and then a Communities Scrutiny meeting on 5th July. If there is a result following that it will go to Cabinet in July - watch this space but I suspect there will be more twists and turns yet!!!! Freedom of InformationApparently FYI requests cost the Council some £338,000 a year. Between May 2011 and May 2012 the Council received 2,253 requests - an increase in around 900 on the previous year. It cost approximately £150 to process each straightforward request. It occurs to me that if the Council was fully open and transparent form the start many of these requests would have not been required?? JubileeWell done to all involved in the Jubilee celebrations in Hayle. The Hayle in Bloom event was a perfect vehicle for the Jubilee entertainment and thanks are due to the Choirs, Gig Club and SLSC for their endeavours. The fireworks were a fine conclusion and the launching point of Black Road inspired. What a joy it was to have the water in the Pool - why cannot we have that every weekend when the tide is suitable...............I won't start but it is time the people of Hayle shouted very loudly that we require this to happen!!
Cornwall ArchiveAn enormous amount of work continues! The process is that the Cornwall Council working group will receive a report from officers assessing the 3 shortlisted sites on June 18th. ING have invested in producing large document with input from their architects ( you have probably seen the drawings in the Cornishman) and some words from me! This has been submitted to the officers to use in compiling their reports. There have been several meetings between ING, Officer and myself. The competition is very stiff but we are putting up a good fight !!! Hayle Town Swimming PoolThe supporters of the Pool and a number of Councillors have worked very hard to get the Pool ready for this weeks opening - congratulations s to all! There have been some customers on the sunny days this week. The Pool will now close until July and hopefully better weather and of course more customers during the holiday period. I think the motto must be use it or loose it but the Town Council is actively trying to improve the facility. Progress!!Despite a great deal of frustration over other issues, three pieces of good news this week: SOUTH QUAY. Planning permission has been granted which means that ING should now get on with the development. They assure me that they have supermarkets queuing up to take over the site and that once the last few permissions are in place then development can begin - can't wait!!! FIRE STATION. It has gone through committee - with unanimous vote for the new set up at Tolvaddon and Hayle. This is wonderful news. Despite the strong arguments in favour of retaining Redruth Fire Station from Redruth members, this is a whole package and gained full support. 13,000 more people within the 10 minutes response time and a more economic and strategic use of resources. And - a fire station for Hayle, at last. CORNWALL ARCHIVE. We are now making our case to the Council officers and have received the full support of ING who own the land. Be assured we will fight all the way. I believe we have a very very strong case and will make it as forcefully as we can. Cornwall's National Archive and Records OfficeHayle made a very strong bid to provide the site for the proposed new Archive and Records Office.(see below) There were 38 bids and Hayle emerged in the top three! Our site at Foundry has been short listed along with Redruth Brewery and St Austell. With the active and determined support of ING we are now working very hard to convince the Council that Hayle has the ability to host this fantastic facility. The Town and Cornwall Councillors will leave no stone unturned in promoting our site. Beach Cleaning. I have chaired two meetings of local beach owners to discuss with Cornwall Council officers how to keep our beaches clean. I am pleased to say that Cornwall Council's operational arm, Cormac Solutions carried out a full clean of the whole beach from the Ferry to Godrevy prior to Easter - as a goodwill gesture. Subsequently we have established that local camp sites and beach owners have taken responsibility for keeping the stretch of beach in front of their sites clean. Thanks to Haven Holidays, Beachside, the Williams family at Sandy Acres and St Ives Bay Holiday Park the stretch from the Bluff to Upton is regularly cleaned. If we add Cornwall Councils cleaning of their sections at Upton and Within and the National Trust who control Godrevy most of our 3 miles of Golden sands are covered. There are the stretches west of the Bluff and east of St Ives Bay site which will not be cleaned. The suggested solution for those is that a 'levy' is raised by local businesses and Car Parks to ensure these areas are also covered. I am pleased to say that Hayle Harbour Authority Ltd, who have undertaken occasional cleans; Riviere Estate ( Mrs La Touche) and others seem prepared to participate and certainly we are confident that by next season a better coverage will be in place. S.O.S are also keen to support beach cleans and we are looking at other charitable organisations who can arrange and lead clean-ups along our sands. I am very grateful to David Attwell ( CC) and Sue Nicholls (Cormac Solutions) for facilitating these developments. Work on improving the situation will continue. Beach Access: The engineers have come up with the outline proposal, all interested groups and individuals have agreed that a sloean. I am pleased to say that Cornwall Council's operational arm, Cormac Solutions carried out a full clean of the whole beach from the Ferry to Godrevy prior to Easter - as a goodwill gesture. Subsequently we have established that local camp sites and beach owners have taken responsibility for keeping the stretch of beach in front of their sites clean. Thanks to Haven Holidays, Beachside, the Williams family at Sandy Acres and St Ives Bay Holiday Park the stretch from the Bluff to Upton is regularly cleaned. If we add Cornwall Councils cleaning of their sections at Upton and Within and the National Trust who control Godrevy most of our 3 miles of Golden sands are covered. There are the stretches west of the Bluff and east of St Ives Bay site which will not be cleaned. The suggested solution for those is that a 'levy' is raised by local businesses and Car Parks to ensure these areas are also covered. I am pleased to say that Hayle Harbour Authority Ltd, who have undertaken occasional cleans; Riviere Estate ( Mrs La Touche) and others seem prepared to participate and certainly we are confident that by next season a better coverage will be in place. S.O.S are also keen to support beach cleans and we are looking at other charitable organisations who can arrange and lead clean-ups along our sands. I am very grateful to David Attwell ( CC) and Sue Nicholls (Cormac Solutions) for facilitating these developments. Work on improving the situation will continue.pe in front of the cliff by the Lifeguard Hut by the Bluff is our best option. Co operation with Bourne Leisure will enable disabled parking at The Bluff and a smooth path to the cliff. next we take our project brief and seek detailed drawings and costings as well as undertaking more meetings with Haven Holidays, Mr & Mrs La Touche, RNLI and Cornwall Council Pathway officers. It is looking very positive as long as we have sufficient budget. All acknowledge the need and accept the solution - we will continue our endeavours to make it happen. I am grateful to all involved, especially officers from Hayle Town Council and Cornwall Council Polling Stations:Cornwall Council is carrying out a review of polling stations in Cornwall and is asking members of the public to give their views on the suitability of the polling station they used the last time they voted in person. There are around 450 buildings which are currently used as polling stations in Cornwall. Most are village and church halls, schools and community centres - but in previous elections the Council has also used caravans and portacabins, a garage and even a 19th century Cornish castle."We would like as many people as possible to take part in this review by giving us their views on the polling station they used the last time they voted and we are particularly keen to learn of any alternative premises which may be more suitable". If you have a view on Polling Stations you have used in Hayle, let me know and I will pass them on.
WasteLots of very bad publicity for Cory and Cornwall Council over their failure to get the contract right. Some people received a very bad service BUT the majority have enjoyed an excellent response. In Hayle I have only received one complaint about non collection but that was rectified by he next week. The story of the recycling bins on Commercial Road Car Park is not so good - the old contractor removed their bins days before the new contractor replaced them. This was bad management but to be fair to Cory since I contacted them they have kept the site very clean and tidy and perhaps most significantly much cleaner that the previous operator. Many have commented on the cleanliness of the town and the road sweeper's relentless and daily routine is bringing huge benefits - well done to him. Cornwall Council have stated: We received just over 18,000 calls from residents about the new rubbish, recycling and garden waste collections between 10 and 16 April. These calls were a mixture of queries, subscriptions and complaints and we continue to deal with these as quickly as possible. During the same period we have completed over 470,000 collections of refuse, recycling, garden waste and clinical waste. We also received 7,266 reports of missed collections which have been reported to Cory. We are aware that there are still problems in specific areas and are working with Cory Environmental to identify where the problems are occurring and what needs to be done to rectify them. A team of officers from the Council are working directly with the depot supervisors at Cory to deal with problems using their local knowledge of the area and are prioritising areas that are experiencing repeated missed collections. However we also need the continuing help from residents. Before you call us, please double check your collection day and remember that the collection time may also have changed. Rubbish and recycling needs to be out by 7am as the crews start their rounds at 7am sharp. So lets keep it in perspective. Across the County there have obviously been bad errors BUT in Hayle things are looking good. 01.05.12 Watch the fantastic time-lapse of the North Quay Bridge construction by clicking: Bridge Well done to the Hayle Archive for filming this - the DVD's are available for £5.50 from the Hayle Archive (see my Links page) Rubbish!The new waste contract came into force today with Cory being responsible for all waste collection and street cleaning. The officers have worked very hard to ease the change but I hear that the 10 extra call centre operators, employed to answer waste queries were no where near enough! I am sure that the collections will settle down once we all get used to any changes - However I already have three concerns: The Green Waste system worked really well for us but the new system will not! I am obviously against paying for a service that up to now has been free and made my feelings very clear at Full Council. I do not have a large garden and on average put out green waste about 5 times tear. I considered paying g for the 6 collections offered under the new system BUT they have to be consecutive, April to September. Well my garden does not work like that - I have two composters which take most stuff but at certain times - March and October particularly I have lots of debris from pre and post summer tidying up - this I cannot have!! There has been a complete **** -up of the neighbourhood recycling base at Commercial Road. This is a well used facility that we have ensured will remain ( the foundry one has been removed) and I have already complained that the bins are not emptied regularly enough. However CC surpassed itself by allowing SITA to remove the two Card/plastic bins days before Cory ( the new contractor) put the new ones there!! Chaos!! No notice explaining and workmen working overtime to clear up the mess when people left their recycling on the floor. I have made it clear to the Cabinet member - this should not have happened. While we have done some work with the officers to ensure that the dog bins are in place - we identified those that were missing, including 5 not even on their list- and they will ensure that we have our complete quota, I am concerned that the new contractor who also does road sweeping will only clean 'as required' - but we will see. Super fast Broadband.It has arrived in some parts of Hayle - see the message from CC below: I am pleased to inform you that super fast broadband has started to become available in parts of the Hayle exchange area. As from now businesses and households in parts of Hayle, Lelant, Connor Downs, St Erth and St Erth Station area can upgrade their current broadband service to superfast broadband from a range of internet service providers (see<http://www.superfastcornwall.org/how-to-get-broadband/isp-internet-service-providers-superfast-broadband.html> for the full list). Prices start from around £16.50. Bridge PourI find myself being very critical of CC at the moment and have been passing on lots of residents complaints BUT we m must also recognise the huge investment into North Quay and the remarkable day last Wednesday when the concrete platform for the new bridge was poured in one day. There was a fabulous atmosphere with spectators all day - this is what change and improvement, development and regeneration looks like - and there is more to come!!!! 02.04.12 South Quay Planning Permission Granted!The Minister sees no reason to call the plan in, the Case Officer has written to confirm the Permission given by Cornwall Council SO the work on South Quay can begin - well of course this is Hayle and not yet as there are some more 'permissions' to gain BUT to those who often ask me "will we ever see it in our lifetime John"-I believe I can now say yes! After years of disappointment and struggle we can see North Quay being transformed and there is now no reason why South Quay cannot be the same. Our next task is to make sure ING do it and do it quickly!! 15.03.12 Community WheelsIt is very sad that the Community Wheels service in Hayle has ceased operating. I know how highly valued the service was with the excellent work done by the drivers appreciated by all users. However it has been impossible to maintain sufficient cash flow and its has closed. Throughout last week I was in contact with the Chairman and Manager of the organisation and officers at Cornwall Council, trying to find ways to keep it going but this has proved impossible. It is a great pity. Council TaxI have written to Steve Double the new Cabinet Member for localism once again complaining that 'Penwith' residents are once again being penalised by Cornwall Council. The old District Council subsidised and provided a number os services that Cornwall Council no longer supports. So, the charge for such services is either now being added to the Town Council's demands on the ratepayer or being increased to what CC describe as a 'realistic' level to cover costs. the latest of these is burial charges which in some cases will nearly double! Add this to the charging for Green waste collection, care of our amenity areas and many others as well as the initial rise of 6% in our Council Tax at the beginning of the Unitary Authority and we the ratepayers are once again being penalised. If is is all in the process of making charging equitable across Cornwall - when will we see a charge go down???? I will continue making the point at every opportunity - it is unfair. Hayle bids for Cornwall Archive.I have put together a bid for the new Cornwall Archive and Record office to be built in Hayle. With the full support of Hayle Town Council and enthusiastic support from ING our bid will now be assessed by Cornwall Council. Our site is 'Viaduct Yard' - the open space opposite Jewsons and it fulfills 95% of the criteria CC have set down. The full bid can be seen at the Hayle Archive site: click here Cornwall Council will decide on sites by May. Fire Station Consultation - This is still the major topic of the month!!Hayle Town Council are having a briefing from the Fire Chief, Des Tidbury this Thursday. We know that that Cornwall Council have focused on three sites, only one of which - Commercial Road Car park - they own.We will know more by the end of the week. Click Here to see the Consultation Documents about the proposals to relocate Camborne and Redruth Fire Stations to a new 'hub' at Pool, incorporating Ambulance and Police and other services. These proposals make financial and safety sense - the new facilities will replace those that are no longer 'fit for purpose' and more people will come into the '10 minute response time 'which the Fire Service now follows. In Hayle we started to campaign at a time when the 10 minute rule was national policy. This was subsequently changed but the Cornwall Fire Brigade have re-introduced it as a local benchmark. This new proposal will save money, make the service more efficient and offer the possibility of providing Hayle with the Fire Station we have been arguing for over the last 20 years. I fully understand that those working at Redruth are concerned BUT from Hayle's perspective we will be safer than ever before and the whole process makes more people safer and the whole service more efficient. You have until April 9th to respond to the consultation = PLEASE DO IT!!!!! 12.03.12. St PiranSt Piran's Day continues to grow in stature with more and more becoming involved. A fun way is to join the masses in the celebrations in Perranporth next Sunday. Trek across the dunes to St Pirans Oratory and witness the story of St Piran - great fun! Sunday 4th March, Haven Leisure Holiday Park, 1.30 for a 2pm start. Council TaxYou will soon be receiving this years rate demand. It will have gone up. Hayle Town Council's element has increased to pay for the extra responsibilities they have taken on in order to maintain services. The Cornwall Council element has been frozen because the Council agreed to accept the Governments grant to keep the amount stable .I could not vote against this because I know that many people will flind any increase unacceptable when their incomes have been fixed for sometime and other demands such as heat and light continue to rise .However I am very concerned about it because any future increase will be greater because we have not increased the sum this year. The Conservatives tell us that they can use savings to prevent this next year but it is certainly a short term solution which still leaves us with the long term problem. To see see what I said at Full Council :http://www.cornwall.public-i.tv/core/portal/webcast_interactive/74006 Rubbish and Recycling CollectionCory, the new contractor takes over on April Ist - BUT little will change. I have questioned the contractors closely on the new system and can continue to assure residents that: Rubbish will be collected weekly, in your wheely bin but they ask that everything in the bin is contained in plastic bags/sacks - something many of us do anyway. Re- cycling will be collected fortnightly - we can use the box as before but other FREE bags will be available for newspapers/plastic etc. The recycling point at Commercial Road will be maintained. However, Green waste collection will be charged for, you will be asked to subscribe to so many collections a year. Cory will also take on the Dog Bins and I have a meeting with them this week to discuss Dog Bin provision in Hayle. 27.02.12 St Erth Park and RideThe CC Strategic Planning Committee deferred their decision on this plan today - because of all the concerns that hayle Town Council have been expressing for he last two years - This is a huge investment but the Town Council continue to be concerned about: - integration of the 'Bus service; the danger that if St Erth station is developed, Hayle could be down graded; there is still no clear pedestrian or cycle way access to the 'transport hub' and we are unsure of the effect on the junction with the main road. I am not in any way against a new and improved St Ives Park and Ride - but at the current cost we have to make sure that it brings benefit to Hayle as well. Time BankAn opportunity - Hayle now has its own Time Bank- your chance to give and receive time!! - swop your skills to gain a service you require. Full details from Jude Thomas, 01209217614- judyt@volunteercornwall.org.uk Wave HubToo little has ben made of the potential of the Wave Hub and poor publicity has made many of us unsure of its future - however good news this week that at least one company (Irish) believe that it will be effective for testing their machine and will provide energy,jobs and further investment! Lets hope so! 10.02.12 South West Marine Energy ParkGood news announced today that the South West will receive investment to develop Marine Energy. This is very significant for Hayle, the Wave Hub project and the North Quay Marine Renewable's Park. It means that the Government will ensure that Marine Energy development will focus ob our region and Cornwall Council have ensured that means in Falmouth and Hayle!! Town Framework Planning Strategy.You can have your say in the Core Strategy/Structure Plan that has been written by CC planners over the last 12 months. It identifies areas in Hayle where industry,houses and services could be placed in the future. An exhibition and consultation is being held at Passmore Edwards Institute between 12 and 7pm on TUESDAY 31st JANUARY. Amenity AreasWe are all now aware that Cornwall Council are passing many local services to Town and Parish Councils. This could provide new opportunities for such services BUT will cost money. While the Council Tax charged by Town Councils will have to increase, you can be sure that the Cornwall Councils charge will not be reduced as it tries to cope with the Government cuts. In order to help Hayle we have negotiated a taper for the costs of managing and maintaining our public areas - the Plantation, Rec and Memorial Walk. This is a unique agreement which spreads the increase over three years, protecting the Council Tax payers of Hayle. FoodbankCongratulations to Deputy Mayor Jayne Ninnis and her team in setting up Hayle's Food Bank on Saturday mornings at Hayle Methodist Church. Over 30 families recently attended seeking vital support. We can all donate tins via the Church or the Co-Op - Many of us will not miss a couple of tins of food a week but it could make a huge difference to families in our town. 23.01.12 |
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