

I am proud of my record of working for the town in a variety of ways. Over the last 25 years I believe I have contributed much to Hayle and tried to bring everyone together to build a better stronger and more forward looking community.

Harvey’s Foundry Trust. As a member of the Trust since its creation and for the last five years its Chairman, I have helped to establish the developments at Foundry Lane using historic buildings to new purpose and providing regeneration and dozens of new jobs. We are now developing the plans for the Heritage Centre on the site with the Town Museum for which we have all have waited so long. We are also promoting and supporting the Hayle Archive and I am on the Steering group for the Hayle Oral History Project. History and Heritage are very important to me and Harvey’s Foundry Trust are ensuring that Hayle’s great past will be appreciated by all.


The Hayle Area Plan Partnership, bringing Councillors, the community and the council officers together has been a remarkable success and the new arrangements for the Cornwall Council will be based on some of the procedures we have created. I have been a part of the group of over 5 years and although the logo (left) and the web site ( are the most visible successes we have also provided community involvement with a number of issues, continue to try to implement the ideas suggested by the public consultation, held a whole series of consultations over the Harbour Development plans and have distributed nearly £20,000 in grants to organisations in the town. We have appointed a manager, Jane Sharpe who ia available to any group in the town for support and advice and several projects are in the process of development. Check us out at: -
Transport is an area where we must take action NOW! I am a member of the Penwith Area Transport Forum which promotes better services from all transport providers. It helped secure the funding for our Community Bus service and I will be urging One Cornwall to deliver the integrated transport policy for Hayle which we desperately need. We have the potential but we must invest, coordinate and maximise the opportunities that exist – it can be done!

Hayle Harbour is the BIG issue and I am proud to have helped make it happen while also helping shape the application into a more acceptable form, but although we have secured the promise of vital infrastructure on North Quay the size, design and impact of the housing development and the whole concept of what will be build on South Quay have yet to be debated. I am very optimistic and hopeful but realistic that any development will change Hayle dramatically and affect some of its citizens more directly than others – I promise them to ensure their voices are heard but it could also bring prosperity for all. Councillors and the community have been very involved so far – this MUST continue under Cornwall Council.
Hayle is a great place to live. There is a strong community with many groups and organisations. For Instance our Rugby, Cricket and Football Clubs have long and distinguished histories and the men and women who keep them going are serving Hayle with distinction and great credit. This is repeated time and time again with the more than a 100 groups that operate in Hayle. They all deserve our thanks and support.

No one knows what the future holds for our town What is certain is that the Cornwall Council has a responsibility for ensiuring that we have every chance of growing, developing and improving – and that will be my aim should I be elected. Controlled growth, opportunites for people to work and live in our town, improvements to the ‘look’ of the town and a positive development of the Harbour area are all essential – and are what I will be fighting for!
I am very positive about Hayle’s future. We have seen a great deal of regeneration, we have a harbour development which looks as if it could happen, we are ideally placed to attract business and commercial operations, the quality of life for those living here is high and as long as we can secure enough investment our future looks very bright – that is the job of your councillors and a task that I relish and believe I can fulfil.

Summary of current roles

Served on Hayle Town Council since
Chairman of Steering group of Hayle Area Plan Partnership – promoting community involvement in responding to what the public have said Hayle needs through a series of Delivery Groups and public consultations –
Chairman of Harvey’s Foundry Trust - improving the Foundry site our workshops provide employment opportunities for over 80 and phase 3 will create a Heritage Centre including museum for the town.-
President Of Hayle Town Trust – protecting, preserving and enhancing our great heritage.
Governor of Connor Downs Primary School
Trustee of Hayle Pilot Gig Club
Chairman of Hayle Rose & Cabbage Gardening Club
Hon Vice President Praze Hayle Male Choir

Director of Penwith Radio, creating a community radio station to help bring people together in Penwith –
Representative on the Board of Cornwall Audio Visual Archive and actively recording memories in Hayle and St Ives – preserving our past.


If you could like to know any more about the above, please follow the links or contact me.

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